Simplify Your Quiz
Creation with Our
Ready-to-Go Content
Subscription Plan!

How can quiz content subscription plan help you?
Save Time and Effort
Say goodbye to the time-consuming task of creating
quizzes from scratch. Our subscription plan provides
ready-to-go quiz content, saving you hours
of brainstorming, researching and writing.
Save Time and Effort
Stay Relevant
Our quiz content is curated to stay up-to-date with
the latest trends, topics and interests. Keep your
quizzes relevant and appealing to your audience,
enhancing their engagement and overall experience.
Stay Relevant
Access a Variety of Topics
Our subscription plan covers a wide range of quiz
topics, allowing you to cater to diverse interests
and demographics. Whether you're in education,
marketing or entertainment, you'll find quizzes
tailored to your specific needs.
Access a Variety of Topics
Increase Morale
Engaging quizzes can boost morale and create
a positive work or learning environment.
By incorporating our quiz content subscription plan,
you can bring fun and interactive elements into your
team or classroom, fostering a sense of enjoyment,
collaboration, and motivation among participants.
Increase Morale
Unlock the power of hassle-free quiz
creation with our new line subscription
plans. Sign up now and take your
quizzes to new heights of engagement
and success.
Helper img
Officially Approved
Our quizzes are created in
partnership with the International
Quiz Association
, ensuring that
the content is of the highest quality
and accuracy.
With our subscription plan, you can deliver engaging
and informative quizzes to your audience with
Quizzing image
Join now and simplify your quiz creation
with our subscription plan!
Choose from our monthly subscription options to get started today.
Universal + Content
Universal + Content
Gamification essentials for regular medium sized events or classes
Up to 100 players
$49.99/ per month
See all features
All features from Basic, plus
Advanced question types
Access restriction
Prizes & giveaways
Elimination mode
Professional + Content
Professional + Content
Ideal for event hosts, educators and business professionals
Up to 250 players
$75.99/ per month
See all features
All features from Universal, plus
More advanced question types
Monetization and sponsorship features
Facebook pixel and Google Analytics integration
Out of hours support
Premium + Content
Premium + Content
The perfect plan for those who want it all
Up to 500 players
$149.99/ per month
See all features
All features from Premium, plus
A new 10-question quiz in your account every Monday
New week - new quiz theme
All you'll have to do is choose when to launch it
All quizzes stay forever on your account
All content is provided and verified by International Quiz Association
Less stress and more time for you
Easy-to-Use Platform Logo:Easy-to-Use Platform
With our subscription plan, you can save time and effort while still delivering engaging
quizzes to your audience. Focus on what matters most — engaging your audience —
and leave the quiz creation to us.
Easy-to-Use Platform Image
Frequently asked questions
How will I receive quizzes?
Once a week, a new quiz will appear in your account automatically. In addition, you'll receive an email each week with the main topic of the quiz and possible spoilers for the next one;)
How often do I receive new quiz content?
You'll receive fresh and relevant quiz content every week on Monday.
What are the topics of the weekly quizzes?
We choose content for quizzes so that they are universal, but at the same time thematic. Some of the questions will be of a general nature, while others will be about a particular week's event. For example, St. Patrick's Day, Christmas, Easter, the Academy Awards, and others.
How many questions in total will be in the quizzes?
Each quiz will consist of 10 carefully selected and relevant questions.
Can I edit the quiz content and settings?
Of course! You can either remove some questions or, vice versa, add new ones. All the settings for the quiz are completely up to you. We try to give you fully ready high-quality and relevant content, and you can do with it whatever you want.
What happens if I cancel my subscription?
You'll still have access to your existing quizzes, but you won't receive new quiz content or be able to create new quizzes with our platform.
Join our subscription plan and deliver
captivating content to your audience
effortlessly. Sign up now and revolutionize
your quiz experience.
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